
TaskDONE UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Annenheider Straße 159
27755 Delmenhorst

Timo-Oliver Grüne

Amtsgericht Oldenburg, HRB 219638

Responsible according to §10 Abs.3 MDStV:
Timo-Oliver Grüne

Contents and disclaimer
The above information and texts do not constitute product advice. In particular, they do not represent the specific individual case. Therefore, no liability can be assumed for correctness and up-to-dateness. If you require any information, please contact us. Despite careful control of the contents, we do not assume any liability for the contents of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

Passing on
All offered information may – also in extracts – only be redistributed or otherwise published with the written permission of TaskDONE UG.

Texts and graphics of TaskDONE UG are protected by copyright. The use of the texts and graphics of on own web pages or in other media without explicit permission violates the copyright and will be warned upon discovery and if necessary also prosecuted.